Sunday, July 23, 2006

Experimental work

I am a traditional artist for the most part, but I love paint. Just playing with color is exciting. So, I use my "leftover" mixed colors from other paintings to make small works just about color, pattern and texture.
Most galleries don't like it when artists have more than one body of work, but this part of me has to have an outlet, so I started this blog. Hope you enjoy both types of work. I love Albers and Frankenthaller as well as Fechin, Leffel and Monet. The medium is the message with these pieces.


Pat said...

The "play" is the the thing! I love it. Pat

C. Robin Janning said...


I quite love what you call your experimental work -- it is the kind of art that makes my heart beat fast, that makes me smile, that makes a space for spirit. I think it is very, very wonderful!


Anonymous said...

It's an excellent abstract work. I like the texture very much.

Susan G. Holtzman said...

Enjoyed viewing your work! I love the bright colors! Stop by to see my work sometime. I am evocative to abstract watercolor painter. I have started on acrylics. What is your medium in this painting? I'm not sure of what I see. P.S. I first saw your name on the Art Calendar blog. I also shoot my own works and use Photoshop CS2. I will be happy when more shows accept electronic entries.